25+ Years Helping You Get Well & Stay Well
Dr. Mark Chiungos has a Comprehensive and Successful Approach to Pain & Dysfunction from the Spine, Disc, Nerves and Joints.
Dr. Mark Chiungos has a Comprehensive and Successful Approach to Pain & Dysfunction from the Spine, Disc, Nerves and Joints.
Services Available
Chiropractic is a comprehensive, hands-on solution to pain management and restoration of movement and function in the body. It’s often thought of for back pain — but it can improve or heal pain in many areas, from headaches to painful knees and just about everything in between.
SpineMED® decompression is a state-of-the-art, FDA-cleared therapy that represents an exciting advancement in the treatment of intervertebral disc disease: spinal degeneration, disc bulges and disc herniation. This non-surgical, drug-free treatment offers relief for patients experiencing arthritic or disc-related pain in the neck, arms, hands, low back, legs or feet.
Aspen Apex Laser is a drug-free and surgery-free therapy that uses three specific light waves to treat pain and inflammation almost anywhere in the body. Light/Laser Therapy produces predictable responses at the cellular level that add energy that helps the body heal itself.
Why Do So Many Patients Choose Us For Their Care?
First, We Look For What's Wrong & Develop A Plan.
A thorough history, physical exam, advanced imaging like X-Ray or MRI are the tools that help determine what is causing your pain and loss of function. Once the damaged and aggravated body structures are known, an effective treatment plan that applies the proper care to the condition can be formulated. The costs in time and money can be more accurately forecasted.
Next, Execute The Plan.
Attend regularly scheduled visits to the clinic, receive care in our private treatment rooms. and take the time at home or work to make the lifestyle changes and exercise that are recommended. We value your time — we work by appointment only and run on schedule. We make your visit a simple, pleasant and easy addition to your day. As you heal, your visits will become less frequent.
Finally, Optimize & Maintain Your Gains!
Once the plan is completed and you are satisfied with the results; congratulations are in order. Some patients return to the normal course of their lives feeling a marked improvement in their overall health and sense of wellness knowing if they have a future problem, they have a great clinic to return to. Some patients with more serious and chronic spinal conditions opt to stay for monthly or bi-weekly checkups, continue to learn more stretching and exercise and gain more tools to handle life’s constant challenges. The choice is yours.

I have had on and off back problems for the past 20 years and have tried many different doctors, chiropractors, etc. I was in excruciating pain and could barely stand up for almost a week when I first went in to see Dr. C. Within a week of being treated, I felt so much better.

Are you finding movement – or even sitting still – more painful than it’s ever been?

Are you waking multiple times a night because you just can’t get comfortable?
It is common to ignore these signs and symptoms of inflammation that alert you to underlying damage in your spine, discs, joints, nerves, connective tissues and muscles. Left untreated, the signals increase often overwhelming the body with loss of function and mind with pain.