Combatting the Symptoms of Degenerative Disc Disease with SpineMED® Decompression

Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD) is a prevalent condition that affects a significant portion of the population, particularly as we age. This disease, often associated with chronic pain and reduced mobility and is characterized by the gradual breakdown of the intervertebral discs – the shock-absorbing cushions that sit between the bones of the spine. As these discs deteriorate, individuals can experience a range of debilitating symptoms that can dramatically impact their quality of life, from persistent back or neck pain to nerve-related issues like numbness or tingling in the limbs.

While DDD is a progressive condition, meaning it tends to worsen over time, it’s not without its solutions. Various treatments are available, from physical therapy and pain management strategies to surgical interventions. However, one treatment that has been gaining attention for its effectiveness and non-invasive nature is SpineMED® Decompression.

In this comprehensive blog post, we’ll delve deeper into the complexities of Degenerative Disc Disease, exploring its causes, symptoms, and the ways it can affect an individual’s daily life. We’ll then introduce you to the innovative treatment method of SpineMED® Decompression, explaining how it works and why it has become a beacon of hope for those grappling with DDD. We’ll discuss the benefits of this treatment, compare it to other available options, and provide insights into what patients can expect during a SpineMED® Decompression session.

Whether you’re a patient seeking relief, a caregiver looking for options, or a healthcare professional wanting to stay updated on the latest treatments, this post aims to provide a thorough understanding of DDD and the promising role SpineMED® Decompression can play in managing it.

Understanding Degenerative Disc Disease

Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD) is a condition that, despite its name, is not actually a disease but rather a process characterized by the loss of cartilage and its replacement with calcified material. It can refer to changes in the intervertebral discs (15 to 23 layers of fiberous material with a central gelatinous or mucous gel and a porous too and bottom cartilage cap), which are the pillow-like cushions that sit between the bones (vertebrae) of the spine. These discs act as shock absorbers, helping our spine handle stress and maintain flexibility. They allow us to bend, twist, and carry out a range of movements without discomfort or damage to the spine.

As we age, these discs can start to break down or degenerate. This degeneration can occur due to various factors. The first is simply natural aging. Over time, our discs naturally lose fluid, causing them to thin and reduce their ability to absorb shocks. The wear and tear of daily activities and minor injuries can also cause tiny tears in the outer layer of the discs, leading to further degeneration. This process can be likened to the tread on a tire wearing down over time.

Injury is another common cause of disc degeneration. A sudden injury like a fall or a car accident can cause a herniated disc, leading to inflammation and further disc damage over time. This is akin to a blowout in a tire, causing immediate and significant damage.

Lifestyle factors can also play a significant role in disc degeneration. Certain factors can accelerate the process, such as smoking, which reduces the oxygen supply to the discs and speeds up the degeneration process. Obesity puts extra stress on the discs, particularly in the lower back, while prolonged sitting and physically demanding work can both contribute to disc wear and tear.

The symptoms of DDD can vary greatly from person to person. Some people might have degenerated discs but experience no symptoms, while others might have severe pain. Common symptoms include persistent pain that worsens when sitting, bending, lifting, or twisting; pain that improves when walking or moving; periods of severe pain that come and go; numbness or tingling in the extremities; and weakness in the leg muscles.

The impact of DDD on an individual’s life can be significant. Chronic pain can limit mobility, making it difficult to carry out everyday activities or enjoy hobbies. It can reduce productivity at work and lead to missed days or even disability. The constant discomfort can also affect mental health, leading to conditions like depression or anxiety. The inability to lead an active life can lead to feelings of frustration, isolation, or despair.

In the next section, we’ll introduce SpineMED® Decompression, a non-surgical treatment that offers a promising solution for those living with DDD. This innovative treatment can provide relief from the debilitating symptoms of DDD, offering hope for a more active and pain-free life.

Introduction to SpineMED® Decompression

SpineMED® Decompression is a state-of-the-art, non-surgical treatment that represents a significant advancement in the management of conditions like Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD) This therapy is designed to alleviate pressure on the spinal discs, promoting healing and providing relief from pain and discomfort.

The SpineMED® system operates on the principle of spinal decompression. In simple terms, it gently stretches the spine, changing its force and position. This change helps to take the pressure off the spinal discs – the gel-like cushions between the bones in your spine. By reducing this pressure, the discs are allowed to retract, which can reduce pain and promote movement.

But how does it work exactly? The SpineMED® Decompression system uses a sophisticated method of load sensor and biofeedback technology. During a session, the patient lies on a computer-controlled table, and the SpineMED® system applies a specific force to the spinal segment that needs treatment. This force is calculated based on the patient’s weight and condition, ensuring a personalized and targeted treatment.

The key to SpineMED® Decompression’s effectiveness lies in its ability to isolate the affected disc and apply the decompression forces directly to it. By targeting the treatment area with such precision, the therapy can promote the retraction of the herniated or bulging disc tissue, leading to pressure relief on the affected nerve. This can significantly reduce pain and other symptoms associated with DDD.

Moreover, the decompression process which lower intramuscular pressure enhances the intake of fluids, oxygen, and nutrient-rich fluids into the disc, which can stimulate the body’s self-healing mechanisms. This not only helps to relieve symptoms but also promotes the health of the intervertebral discs, potentially slowing the progression of Degenerative Disc Disease.

In the next section, we’ll delve deeper into how SpineMED® Decompression specifically combats the symptoms of DDD and why it’s a promising solution for those living with this condition.

How SpineMED® Decompression Combats DDD Symptoms

SpineMED® Decompression is a unique and effective approach to managing the symptoms of Degenerative Disc Disease. It works by directly addressing the root cause of the problem – the pressure on the spinal discs. By alleviating this pressure, SpineMED® Decompression can significantly reduce pain, improve mobility, and enhance the overall quality of life for individuals living with DDD.

Let’s delve deeper into how this innovative treatment combats the symptoms of DDD:

Pain Relief: One of the primary symptoms of DDD is chronic and often debilitating pain. This pain is typically the result of pressure on the nerves due to disc degeneration. SpineMED® Decompression works by gently stretching the spine, which helps retract the bulging or herniated disc tissue. This retraction reduces pressure on the nerves, leading to significant pain relief. Many patients report a noticeable reduction in pain levels after undergoing SpineMED® Decompression therapy.

Improved Mobility: DDD can severely limit an individual’s mobility, making it difficult to carry out everyday activities. By reducing disc pressure and relieving nerve compression, SpineMED® Decompression can help improve range of motion and flexibility. This can make daily tasks easier and allow individuals to engage in physical activities that they may have previously avoided due to pain or discomfort.

Promotion of Self-Healing: SpineMED® Decompression doesn’t just alleviate symptoms; it also promotes the body’s natural healing processes. The decompression process enhances the intake of fluids, oxygen, and nutrient-rich fluids into the disc, which can stimulate the body’s self-healing mechanisms. This not only helps to relieve symptoms but also promotes the health of the intervertebral discs, potentially slowing the progression of Degenerative Disc Disease.

Non-Invasive and Safe: Unlike surgical interventions, SpineMED® Decompression is a non-invasive treatment with minimal risks. It doesn’t involve any incisions, anesthesia, or lengthy recovery periods. This makes it a safe and attractive option for many individuals, particularly those who may be hesitant or unable to undergo surgery.

Personalized Treatment: Every patient is unique, and so is their experience with DDD. SpineMED® Decompression takes this into account by providing personalized treatment. The system calculates the precise force to apply based on the patient’s weight and condition, ensuring a targeted and effective treatment.

In the next section, we’ll compare SpineMED® Decompression to other treatments available for DDD, highlighting its unique advantages.

Comparing SpineMED® Decompression to Other Treatments

When it comes to managing Degenerative Disc Disease, there are several treatment options available. These range from conservative methods like physical therapy and medication to more invasive procedures like surgery. However, SpineMED® Decompression stands out for its unique approach and numerous benefits. Let’s take a deeper dive into how it compares to other common treatments:

Physical Therapy: Physical therapy is often the first line of treatment for DDD. It involves a series of exercises and stretches designed to improve flexibility, strengthen the muscles supporting the spine, and promote better posture. The goal is to alleviate pressure on the discs, reduce pain, and improve function. However, the effectiveness of physical therapy can vary greatly depending on the individual’s condition, their commitment to the therapy regimen, and the skill of the therapist. It often requires a significant time commitment, with multiple sessions per week over several weeks or even months. Additionally, while physical therapy can help manage symptoms and improve function, it may not be sufficient to address severe disc degeneration. SpineMED® Decompression, on the other hand, offers a more targeted approach. It directly addresses the disc degeneration that’s at the root of DDD, helping to retract bulging or herniated discs and relieve pressure on the nerves. It also requires less physical effort from the patient, making it a suitable option for those with severe pain or limited mobility.

Medication: Medication is another common treatment for DDD. This can include over-the-counter pain relievers, prescription non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), muscle relaxants, and in some cases, opioids. These medications can help manage the symptoms of DDD, reducing pain and inflammation. However, they only mask the symptoms and do not address the underlying issue of disc degeneration. Additionally, these medications can have side effects, especially with long-term use. These can range from stomach upset and heartburn to more serious issues like gastrointestinal bleeding and dependency, particularly with opioids. SpineMED® Decompression provides a drug-free alternative that not only alleviates symptoms but also promotes the body’s natural healing processes. It addresses the root cause of the problem – the disc degeneration – rather than just masking the symptoms.

Surgery: In severe cases of DDD, where conservative treatments have not provided sufficient relief, surgery may be recommended. This can involve procedures like disc replacement, where the damaged disc is removed and replaced with an artificial one, or spinal fusion, where two or more vertebrae are fused together to stabilize the spine. While these surgical interventions can be effective in relieving symptoms, they come with risks. These include the risks associated with anesthesia, infection, blood clots, nerve damage, and complications from the surgery itself. Additionally, surgery requires a significant recovery period, often involving physical therapy and temporary lifestyle modifications. SpineMED® Decompression is a non-invasive treatment that can provide relief without the risks associated with surgery. It’s an ideal option for patients who are not candidates for surgery, those who prefer to avoid it, or those who have not achieved sufficient relief from other treatments.

Chiropractic Adjustments: Chiropractic care can be a helpful part of a comprehensive treatment plan for DDD. Chiropractors use manual adjustments to improve spinal alignment and function, which can help alleviate some symptoms of DDD. Regular adjustments can help maintain spinal health, reduce pain, and improve mobility. However, while chiropractic care can be beneficial, it may not be sufficient for severe disc degeneration. SpineMED® Decompression complements chiropractic care by directly targeting the affected discs, providing a more comprehensive approach to treating DDD.

Who Can Benefit from SpineMED® Decompression

SpineMED® Decompression is a versatile treatment that can benefit a wide range of individuals suffering from Degenerative Disc Disease and other disc-related conditions. However, like any medical treatment, it’s not suitable for everyone. Let’s delve deeper into who can benefit from this innovative therapy:

Individuals with Chronic Back or Neck Pain: Chronic back or neck pain can significantly impact your quality of life, making everyday activities challenging and reducing overall well-being. If you’ve been living with this type of pain due to DDD, SpineMED® Decompression could be a game-changer. By directly targeting the affected discs and relieving pressure on the nerves, this therapy can significantly reduce pain and improve your ability to carry out daily tasks. It can also help you return to activities you love, whether it’s gardening, playing a sport, or simply going for a walk.

Patients with Disc-Related Conditions: DDD is not the only condition that can benefit from SpineMED® Decompression. If you have a herniated or bulging disc, sciatica, or spinal stenosis, this therapy could provide relief. These conditions, like DDD, involve disc degeneration or displacement that puts pressure on the nerves, leading to pain and other symptoms. SpineMED® Decompression works by relieving this pressure, helping to retract the disc and reduce nerve compression.

Those Seeking Non-Surgical Options: Surgery can be a daunting prospect for many people. It comes with risks, requires anesthesia, and involves a significant recovery period. If you’re hesitant about surgery or not a candidate for surgical intervention due to other health conditions, SpineMED® Decompression offers a non-invasive alternative. It’s a safe and effective treatment that can provide significant relief without the risks and recovery time associated with surgery.

Patients Who Haven’t Responded to Other Treatments: If you’ve tried other treatments like physical therapy, medication, or chiropractic care without sufficient relief, don’t lose hope. SpineMED® Decompression could be the solution you’ve been looking for. It offers a unique approach that directly targets the root cause of DDD, which can make a significant difference in managing your symptoms. It’s not uncommon for patients to experience relief with SpineMED® Decompression after other treatments have failed.

Individuals Seeking Long-Term Relief: One of the key benefits of SpineMED® Decompression is that it doesn’t just provide temporary relief; it promotes the body’s natural healing processes. By enhancing the intake of fluids, oxygen, and nutrient-rich fluids into the disc, it can stimulate the body’s self-healing mechanisms. This can lead to long-term improvements in pain, mobility, and overall spinal health. If you’re looking for a treatment that offers more than just a temporary fix, SpineMED® Decompression could be the answer.

While SpineMED® Decompression can benefit many individuals, it’s not suitable for everyone. Certain conditions may preclude you from this treatment. For instance, if you’re pregnant, the treatment is not recommended due to the positioning and forces applied during the session. If you have certain types of cancer, particularly spinal tumors, the treatment may not be suitable due to the risk of exacerbating the condition. If you have a fracture or advanced osteoporosis, the forces applied during SpineMED® Decompression could potentially cause injury. And if you have certain types of spinal implants, such as metal plates or screws, the treatment may not be appropriate.

It’s essential to discuss your medical history and conditions with your healthcare provider to determine if SpineMED® Decompression is right for you. They can assess your suitability for the treatment based on a comprehensive evaluation and help you weigh the potential benefits against any risks.

Next, we’ll walk you through what to expect during a SpineMED® Decompression session.

What to Expect During a SpineMED® Decompression Session

If you’re considering SpineMED® Decompression as a treatment option for your Degenerative Disc Disease, you might be wondering what to expect during a session. Here’s a detailed walkthrough:

Preparation: Before your first SpineMED® Decompression session, your healthcare provider will conduct a thorough evaluation. This will likely include a review of your medical history, a physical examination, and possibly diagnostic imaging such as an MRI or X-ray. This is to ensure that SpineMED® Decompression is a suitable treatment for you and to plan your personalized treatment protocol.

Positioning: During the session, you’ll be asked to lie face up on the SpineMED® table. The table is padded and comfortable. It features tilting pelvic and head pieces that allows for targeted care of specific disc levels.You will remain fully clothed during the treatment.

Securing: The healthcare provider will secure you to the table using a unique direct capture system. This is to ensure that the decompression forces are applied accurately and effectively. The upper belt is placed around below your chest to stabilize your upper body, while the lower curved and padded posts gently cup your iliac crests (bones on either side of belt line).

Treatment: Once you’re positioned and secured, the SpineMED® system will be programmed based on your specific treatment plan. The upper part of the table will then gently move to stretch your spine, applying a precise and painless decompression force to the targeted disc. You should not feel any pain during the treatment, although you’ll likely feel a slight and gentle movement of the table. The table is programmed to measure and compensate for muscular resistance to the traction. Every 2500 ms the computer measures and corrects for resistance instantly allowing for a smooth, pain-free, and effective treatment directly to the intravertebral desk.

Duration: Each SpineMED® Decompression session typically lasts around 30 minutes. However, the exact duration may vary depending on your specific treatment plan. You’ll remain still and relaxed on the table throughout the session.

Frequency: The number of sessions you’ll need will depend on your specific condition and the severity of your symptoms. Many patients undergo a series of sessions over several weeks. Your healthcare provider will discuss your treatment schedule with you.

Post-Treatment: After a SpineMED® Decompression session, you should be able to get up and move around immediately. There’s typically no recovery period, and you can return to your normal activities right away. However, it’s recommended to avoid heavy lifting or strenuous physical activity immediately after a session.

Results: Many patients report a noticeable improvement in their symptoms after just a few SpineMED® Decompression sessions. However, it’s important to complete the full treatment plan recommended by your healthcare provider to achieve the best results. Remember, SpineMED® Decompression is not just about relieving symptoms; it’s about promoting the body’s natural healing processes to improve spinal health in the long term.

Finally, we’ll wrap up our discussion on SpineMED® Decompression and its role in treating Degenerative Disc Disease.

SpineMED® Decompression as a Game-Changer in DDD Treatment

Living with Degenerative Disc Disease can be a challenging journey. The chronic pain, reduced mobility, and impact on daily life can be significant, often leading to frustration and a diminished quality of life. However, the landscape of DDD treatment is evolving, and advancements in medical technology are providing new hope for individuals grappling with this condition. One such advancement is SpineMED® Decompression, a state-of-the-art treatment that is changing the way we approach DDD.

SpineMED® Decompression offers a unique and innovative approach to treating DDD. Unlike traditional treatments that focus on managing symptoms, SpineMED® Decompression targets the root cause of the problem – the disc degeneration itself. By gently stretching the spine, it alleviates pressure on the affected discs, allowing them to retract and relieve pressure on the nerves. This can lead to a significant reduction in pain and an improvement in mobility, providing relief for individuals who have been living with chronic discomfort.

But the benefits of SpineMED® Decompression extend beyond symptom relief. This treatment also promotes the body’s natural healing processes. The decompression process enhances the intake of fluids, oxygen, and nutrient-rich fluids into the disc, which can stimulate the body’s self-healing mechanisms. This not only helps to relieve symptoms but also promotes the health of the intervertebral discs, potentially slowing the progression of Degenerative Disc Disease. This focus on promoting long-term spinal health sets SpineMED® Decompression apart from many other treatments.

When compared to other treatments for DDD, SpineMED® Decompression stands out for several reasons. Its non-invasive nature makes it a safe option for many individuals, particularly those who are hesitant about surgery or not candidates for surgical intervention. The treatment involves minimal risks and no recovery period, making it a convenient option that can fit into most lifestyles. Furthermore, SpineMED® Decompression offers personalized treatment. The system calculates the precise force to apply based on the patient’s weight and condition, ensuring a targeted and effective treatment.

While SpineMED® Decompression isn’t suitable for everyone, it’s worth considering if you’re living with DDD. A thorough evaluation by a spinal  healthcare provider can determine if this treatment is right for you. They can assess your suitability for the treatment based on a comprehensive evaluation and help you weigh the potential benefits against any risks.

In conclusion, Degenerative Disc Disease may be a common part of aging, but it doesn’t have to dictate your quality of life. With treatments like SpineMED® Decompression, you can manage your symptoms, promote spinal health, and lead an active, fulfilling life. It’s a testament to the advancements in  technology and a beacon of hope for those living with DDD. As we continue to understand more about this condition and develop new treatments, the future for individuals with DDD looks brighter than ever.

Dr. Mark Chiungos: Your Local Chelmsford, MA SpineMED® Decompression Expert

Living with Degenerative Disc Disease can be a challenging journey. The chronic pain, the limitations it imposes on your daily activities, and the constant search for effective treatments can be exhausting. But remember, you’re not alone in this journey, and you don’t have to resign yourself to a life of discomfort and restricted mobility. There are innovative, effective treatments available that can help you manage your symptoms, promote spinal health, and reclaim your quality of life. One such treatment is SpineMED® Decompression, a state-of-the-art, non-invasive approach that directly targets the root cause of DDD.

As you’ve navigated through this blog post, you’ve gained a deeper understanding of DDD, learned about the unique benefits of SpineMED® Decompression, and discovered how it compares to other treatments. You’ve also learned about who can benefit from this treatment and what to expect during a session. Now, it’s time to take the next step.

If you’re tired of living with chronic pain, if you’re seeking a non-surgical treatment option, or if you’ve tried other treatments without sufficient relief, SpineMED® Decompression could be the solution you’ve been looking for. And we’re here to guide you on this path towards relief and improved quality of life.

Dr. Mark Chiungos and A Chiropractic Wellness Place in Chelmsford is committed to providing personalized, comprehensive care for individuals living with DDD and other spinal conditions. With years of experience and a deep understanding of spinal health, Dr. Chiungos is not just a healthcare provider; he’s a partner in your health journey. He believes in empowering his patients with knowledge and providing them with cutting-edge treatments that can make a real difference in their lives.

We invite you to reach out to us for more information about SpineMED® Decompression. Whether you have questions about the treatment, want to delve deeper into the intricacies of DDD, or are ready to schedule a consultation, we’re here to assist you. Our team is ready to answer your questions, address your concerns, and guide you towards the most appropriate treatment options based on your unique needs and circumstances.

Take the first step towards a more comfortable, active life. Contact us today to schedule your consultation with Dr. Chiungos and find out if SpineMED® Decompression is the right treatment for you. Remember, you don’t have to navigate this journey alone. We’re here to help every step of the way, providing you with the care, support, and expertise you need to manage your DDD and improve your quality of life.

Your journey towards relief from DDD starts with a single step. Reach out to us today, and let’s take that step together. Hope to see you soon!

Natural Pain Relief
Non-surgical Spine Correction
Drug-free Laser Inflammation Treatment



Will my insurance cover this?2022-12-30T00:19:34-05:00

Most insurance policies offer some chiropractic coverage. Dr. Chiungos works with Blue Cross-Blue Shield, Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare, Tufts Health Plan, Unicare/GIC, and Medicare. See the No Surprises Act for more information.

Is chiropractic treatment safe?2022-12-30T00:00:01-05:00

Absolutely. Chiropractic as a profession is more than 100 years old. We follow industry guidelines during our new patient induction process to minimize risk and maximize benefit. Chiropractic malpractice insurance is considered by many to be the least costly  professional insurance in the healthcare industry because chiropractic is generally considered a safe, manual therapy.

When will I start feeling better?2022-12-30T00:00:41-05:00

It depends on your mechanism of injury and your current state of health. You might start feeling better as soon as your adjustment is finished. You might need to go home and ice (Dr. Chiungos will advise you). If your injury is serious, it may take several visits. But your healing has begun from the first adjustment. Your personal care plan is designed to take you from where you are today to your best possible outcome. Dr. Chiungos will keep you updated on your progress at each visit.


Will my insurance cover decompression treatment?2024-05-24T07:30:29-05:00

Decompression treatment is not currently covered by health insurance. If Dr. Chiungos believes this is an integral part of your treatment plan, he will discuss all costs and potential discounts before the start of care. You will receive informed consent.

Is spinal disc decompression treatment safe?2024-05-24T07:30:42-05:00

Spinal Disc Decompression with the SpineMED® Table has shown to be safe and generally without major side effects or complications once abnormal conditions have been ruled out. The process is so safe and comfortable, it’s not uncommon for patients to fall asleep!

Are there any specific situations that are unsafe for decompression?2024-05-24T07:30:56-05:00
Specific situations that are not suited for decompression therapy include:
  • Patients under 12 years old
  • If you had spinal surgery that involved clips, mesh or fusion
  • If you have fractures, tumors or infections
  • If you have osteoporosis or spondylolisthesis where there’s been a fracture or non-union defect in the spine, where that segment that we want to traction is unstable
How does decompression complement traditional chiropractic?2024-05-24T07:31:11-05:00

Damaged intervertebral discs seldom heal as the discs are constantly under pressure from muscular spasm—during normal activities, and even while sleeping! SpineMED is designed to reduce the pressure in the discs, promoting the influx of vital fluids, nutrients and oxygen back into the discs to assist the body’s natural rebuilding process. This process may speed up the natural repair and could eventually heal damaged spinal discs.

How long will decompression therapy take?2024-05-24T07:31:38-05:00

Sessions are typically 30 minutes long. It could take 15 to 25 sessions or more to see some relief from your discomfort. That’s variable based on your status and the condition we’re treating. Ideally, the sessions are performed daily with rest on the weekend.

Aspen Laser

Will my insurance cover laser treatment?2022-12-30T00:02:57-05:00

Laser treatment, as used in chiropractic offices, is not currently covered by health insurance. If Dr. Chiungos believes this is an integral part of your treatment plan, he will discuss all costs and potential discounts before the start of care.

Is laser therapy safe?2023-01-18T14:21:08-05:00

Laser therapy has been in use for over thirty years with almost no side effects reported. Aspen Laser is FDA-registered and passes all safety compliance requirements. The treatments are not painful; in fact, laser is warm and comfortable to your skin. Dr. Chiungos will check in with you regularly to make sure the temperature feels right, and you can always speak up if it starts to feel too warm. The main safety concern is for the eyes, which is why Dr. Chiungos will provide protective glasses for both patient and doctor at each session.

Are there any situations that are unsafe for laser?2022-12-30T00:04:42-05:00

Laser is effective on most parts of the body; however, there are times when laser is not appropriate:

  • during pregnancy
  • within twelve months of cancer treatments
  • during the use of photo-sensitizing medications
  • over recent steroid injections (seven days)
  • over growth plates or reproductive glands
  • over tattoos or skin infections
How does laser complement traditional chiropractic?2022-12-30T00:05:14-05:00

Laser therapy promotes energy production supporting cellular repair, increased blood flow, increased red blood cell oxygen-carrying capacity, and decrease of inflammation. When used in conjunction with traditional chiropractic, laser can reduce pain and healing time, and promote a deeper, more complete healing to the area of concern.

How long will laser take?2022-12-30T00:05:45-05:00

Sessions typically last 15 to 20 minutes, depending on the size of the treatment area. They generally start longer and reduce in length as you heal. Most acute conditions require only 10 – 12 treatment sessions. If you have a chronic condition, you may need 12 – 20 treatments and one or two follow-up sessions every month. The amount and frequency of treatments are determined through assessment of your condition combined with Dr. Chiungos’s experience treating patients with laser. You will likely start to feel better after your first 5 sessions.

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