Combining Class IV Laser Therapy & Spinal Decompression for Breakthrough Pain Relief

In a world where chronic pain has become nothing short of an epidemic, millions are in a ceaseless quest for effective relief. The statistics are staggering—according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 20% of U.S. adults had chronic pain in 2019. That’s one in every five adults grappling with a condition that not only affects physical well-being but also takes a toll on mental health.

While conventional pain management techniques like medication and surgery offer some respite, they often come with a host of side effects and risks. Moreover, these methods usually address the symptoms rather than the root cause, providing only temporary relief. This has led many to seek alternative therapies that are both effective and less invasive.

Enter Class IV Laser Therapy and Spinal Decompression—two groundbreaking therapies that have shown remarkable results in treating various pain conditions. Each therapy is potent in its own right, offering unique mechanisms of action that alleviate pain, promote healing, and improve quality of life.

But what if we told you that combining these two therapies could unlock a new dimension of pain relief? A dimension where the benefits of each therapy are not just added, but synergistically multiplied, offering a breakthrough solution for those who have tried everything else to no avail.

In this blog post, we will delve deep into the science and benefits of Class IV Laser Therapy and Spinal Decompression, explore how they can be effectively combined for unparalleled pain relief, and share real-world case studies that prove the efficacy of this combined approach.

The Pain Epidemic In Our Country

Chronic pain is more than just a physical ailment; it’s a public health crisis affecting millions of lives globally. According to the World Health Organization, one in four people worldwide suffers from conditions related to chronic musculoskeletal pain. Whether it’s debilitating back pain, persistent neck discomfort, or the constant ache of arthritis, chronic pain is a pervasive issue that transcends age, gender, and lifestyle.

The impact of chronic pain extends beyond the individual. It has significant economic repercussions, including lost productivity and escalating healthcare costs. On a personal level, chronic pain often leads to emotional distress, affecting relationships and quality of life. The emotional toll can be as debilitating as the physical symptoms, leading to a vicious cycle of pain and emotional suffering.

While over-the-counter pain relievers and prescription medications are the go-to solutions for many, these treatments often provide only temporary relief. Moreover, they come with a plethora of side effects, ranging from gastrointestinal issues to the risk of addiction. Surgical interventions, another conventional route, are invasive and come with their own set of risks and complications.

Given these limitations, it’s no surprise that many are turning to alternative therapies in their quest for long-lasting relief. From acupuncture to chiropractic care, people are exploring various avenues. However, not all alternative therapies are created equal, and the effectiveness can vary from person to person.

As we navigate the complexities of chronic pain management, the need for innovative, effective, and less invasive treatments has never been more pressing. This sets the stage for exploring advanced therapies like Class IV Laser Therapy and Spinal Decompression, which promise not just symptomatic relief but also a more holistic approach to healing.

Understanding Class IV Laser Therapy

Class IV Laser Therapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses specific wavelengths of light to stimulate the body’s natural ability to heal. It has gained popularity for its remarkable effectiveness in treating a variety of pain conditions, from chronic back pain to arthritis. The therapy works by directing a high-powered laser at the affected area, which penetrates the skin and underlying tissues. This stimulates cellular activity, promoting faster healing and reducing inflammation.

The benefits of Class IV Laser Therapy are manifold. It not only provides immediate pain relief but also promotes tissue regeneration and reduces inflammation. This makes it an ideal treatment for various conditions, including but not limited to, musculoskeletal pain, soft tissue injuries, and even neuropathic pain. What sets it apart from other forms of laser therapy is its ability to penetrate deeper into the tissues, making it more effective for conditions that are not just surface-level.

While the therapy is gaining traction, it’s essential to note that its effectiveness is backed by scientific research. Numerous studies have demonstrated the benefits of Class IV Laser Therapy in pain management and tissue healing. For instance, a study published in the Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research found that patients who underwent Class IV Laser Therapy for chronic low back pain experienced significant improvement in pain levels and mobility.

But what makes Class IV Laser Therapy truly revolutionary is its potential for combination with other therapies for enhanced results. This brings us to the concept of synergistic treatments, where the combined effect of two therapies is greater than the sum of their individual effects. In the context of pain management, Class IV Laser Therapy can be effectively combined with Spinal Decompression, another advanced therapy, to offer a comprehensive solution for chronic pain.

Understanding Spinal Decompression

Spinal Decompression is another non-invasive treatment that has shown promise in treating various spinal conditions, including herniated discs, spinal stenosis, and chronic lower back pain. The therapy involves the use of a specialized table where the patient lies down, and a computer-controlled device gently stretches and relaxes the spine. This process creates a negative pressure within the spinal discs, allowing bulging or herniated discs to retract. The result is not only immediate relief from pain but also an environment that promotes the flow of oxygen, water, and nutrient-rich fluids into the discs, facilitating natural healing.

The advantages of Spinal Decompression are numerous. It offers a targeted approach to treating spinal conditions, focusing on the root cause rather than just alleviating symptoms. This makes it a preferred choice for those looking for long-term solutions to chronic back and neck pain. Moreover, because it’s non-invasive, patients can often avoid the risks associated with surgical procedures, such as infections or complications from anesthesia.

The efficacy of Spinal Decompression is also supported by scientific studies. Research published in medical journals has shown significant improvements in patients undergoing this therapy. For example, a study in the Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine found that over 70% of patients with herniated discs and radicular symptoms experienced improvement after undergoing Spinal Decompression.

What elevates Spinal Decompression to the next level is its compatibility with other therapies, such as Class IV Laser Therapy. When used in conjunction, these therapies offer a synergistic effect that amplifies their individual benefits. This combination provides a comprehensive, multi-faceted approach to pain management, addressing both the symptoms and the underlying causes of chronic pain.

The Synergy of Class IV Laser Therapy and Spinal Decompression

When it comes to chronic pain management, one of the most exciting developments is the potential for combining therapies to achieve better outcomes. Class IV Laser Therapy and Spinal Decompression, each effective in its own right, can be even more powerful when used together. This is because the mechanisms of action in each therapy complement each other, creating a synergistic effect that enhances the benefits of both.

Class IV Laser Therapy stimulates cellular activity, promotes tissue regeneration, and reduces inflammation. On the other hand, Spinal Decompression focuses on structural issues, relieving pressure on spinal discs and promoting an environment conducive to natural healing. When combined, these therapies offer a comprehensive approach to pain management that addresses both the symptoms and the underlying causes of chronic pain.

The benefits of this combined approach are numerous. For starters, patients often experience faster recovery times. The anti-inflammatory effects of the laser therapy can enhance the healing environment created by spinal decompression, leading to quicker tissue repair. Additionally, the combined therapies can result in enhanced pain relief, as they target different aspects of the pain cycle.

But perhaps the most compelling reason to consider this combined approach is the potential for long-lasting relief. By addressing both the structural and cellular aspects of chronic pain, this synergistic treatment offers a more holistic solution that is likely to result in sustained improvement.

Who Should Consider This Combined Approach For Optimal Pain Relief

The combined therapy of Class IV Laser Therapy and Spinal Decompression offers a compelling solution for those dealing with chronic pain, but it’s not a one-size-fits-all remedy. Below are some guidelines on who could benefit the most from this synergistic treatment.

Ideal Candidates

  • Individuals with chronic back or neck pain that has not responded well to traditional treatments.
  • Patients with conditions like herniated discs, spinal stenosis, or sciatica.
  • Those looking for a non-invasive alternative to surgery or long-term medication.

Precautions and Contraindications

While this combined therapy is generally safe and non-invasive, there are certain conditions where it may not be advisable. These include:

  • Severe osteoporosis
  • Certain types of cancer affecting the spine
  • Recent spinal fractures or surgical implants

It’s crucial to consult with healthcare providers for a thorough evaluation and personalized treatment plan. Medical history, current health status, and specific pain conditions will all factor into whether this combined therapy is the right choice for you.

The Future of Pain Management In Chelmsford, MA and Beyond

Chronic pain is a complex, multifaceted issue that has long eluded one-size-fits-all solutions. However, the combined approach of Class IV Laser Therapy and Spinal Decompression offers a promising avenue for those seeking effective, long-lasting relief. By targeting both the symptoms and the underlying causes of chronic pain, this synergistic treatment provides a comprehensive, holistic solution.

The real-world case studies and testimonials presented earlier underscore the transformative potential of this combined therapy. From chronic back pain and sciatica to arthritis and sports injuries, patients from various walks of life have experienced significant improvements in their conditions.

While this treatment is not suitable for everyone, it offers a compelling option for those who have not found relief through traditional methods. As always, consultation with healthcare providers is essential for a personalized treatment plan.

If you’re tired of living with chronic pain and are looking for a more effective, holistic approach, consider exploring the combined therapy of Class IV Laser Therapy and Spinal Decompression. Your journey to a pain-free life could be just a consultation away.

Take Control of Your Health with Dr. Mark Chiungos & A Chiropractic Wellness Place

If you’ve been nodding along while reading this article, recognizing your own struggle with chronic pain, then it’s time to take the next crucial step towards reclaiming your life.

Dr. Mark Chiungos at A Chiropractic Wellness Place in Chelmsford, MA, specializes in the combined approach of Class IV Laser Therapy and Spinal Decompression. With years of experience and a deep commitment to holistic wellness, Dr. Chiungos is not just another healthcare provider; he’s a partner in your journey towards a pain-free life.

Imagine waking up each day without the dread of debilitating pain. Picture yourself enjoying activities that you’ve avoided for years due to discomfort. All of this is possible when you choose to explore advanced, synergistic therapies tailored to your unique needs. Dr. Chiungos and his team are dedicated to providing personalized treatment plans that address the root cause of your pain, not just the symptoms.

Don’t let another day go by under the shadow of chronic pain. Take action now. Schedule a comprehensive consultation with Dr. Mark Chiungos to discuss your symptoms, medical history, and treatment options. Your path to a healthier, happier life is just a click away. Click here to schedule your consultation and take the first step towards a life-changing transformation.

Natural Pain Relief
Non-surgical Spine Correction
Drug-free Laser Inflammation Treatment



Will my insurance cover this?2022-12-30T00:19:34-05:00

Most insurance policies offer some chiropractic coverage. Dr. Chiungos works with Blue Cross-Blue Shield, Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare, Tufts Health Plan, Unicare/GIC, and Medicare. See the No Surprises Act for more information.

Is chiropractic treatment safe?2022-12-30T00:00:01-05:00

Absolutely. Chiropractic as a profession is more than 100 years old. We follow industry guidelines during our new patient induction process to minimize risk and maximize benefit. Chiropractic malpractice insurance is considered by many to be the least costly  professional insurance in the healthcare industry because chiropractic is generally considered a safe, manual therapy.

When will I start feeling better?2022-12-30T00:00:41-05:00

It depends on your mechanism of injury and your current state of health. You might start feeling better as soon as your adjustment is finished. You might need to go home and ice (Dr. Chiungos will advise you). If your injury is serious, it may take several visits. But your healing has begun from the first adjustment. Your personal care plan is designed to take you from where you are today to your best possible outcome. Dr. Chiungos will keep you updated on your progress at each visit.


Will my insurance cover decompression treatment?2024-05-24T07:30:29-05:00

Decompression treatment is not currently covered by health insurance. If Dr. Chiungos believes this is an integral part of your treatment plan, he will discuss all costs and potential discounts before the start of care. You will receive informed consent.

Is spinal disc decompression treatment safe?2024-05-24T07:30:42-05:00

Spinal Disc Decompression with the SpineMED® Table has shown to be safe and generally without major side effects or complications once abnormal conditions have been ruled out. The process is so safe and comfortable, it’s not uncommon for patients to fall asleep!

Are there any specific situations that are unsafe for decompression?2024-05-24T07:30:56-05:00
Specific situations that are not suited for decompression therapy include:
  • Patients under 12 years old
  • If you had spinal surgery that involved clips, mesh or fusion
  • If you have fractures, tumors or infections
  • If you have osteoporosis or spondylolisthesis where there’s been a fracture or non-union defect in the spine, where that segment that we want to traction is unstable
How does decompression complement traditional chiropractic?2024-05-24T07:31:11-05:00

Damaged intervertebral discs seldom heal as the discs are constantly under pressure from muscular spasm—during normal activities, and even while sleeping! SpineMED is designed to reduce the pressure in the discs, promoting the influx of vital fluids, nutrients and oxygen back into the discs to assist the body’s natural rebuilding process. This process may speed up the natural repair and could eventually heal damaged spinal discs.

How long will decompression therapy take?2024-05-24T07:31:38-05:00

Sessions are typically 30 minutes long. It could take 15 to 25 sessions or more to see some relief from your discomfort. That’s variable based on your status and the condition we’re treating. Ideally, the sessions are performed daily with rest on the weekend.

Aspen Laser

Will my insurance cover laser treatment?2022-12-30T00:02:57-05:00

Laser treatment, as used in chiropractic offices, is not currently covered by health insurance. If Dr. Chiungos believes this is an integral part of your treatment plan, he will discuss all costs and potential discounts before the start of care.

Is laser therapy safe?2023-01-18T14:21:08-05:00

Laser therapy has been in use for over thirty years with almost no side effects reported. Aspen Laser is FDA-registered and passes all safety compliance requirements. The treatments are not painful; in fact, laser is warm and comfortable to your skin. Dr. Chiungos will check in with you regularly to make sure the temperature feels right, and you can always speak up if it starts to feel too warm. The main safety concern is for the eyes, which is why Dr. Chiungos will provide protective glasses for both patient and doctor at each session.

Are there any situations that are unsafe for laser?2022-12-30T00:04:42-05:00

Laser is effective on most parts of the body; however, there are times when laser is not appropriate:

  • during pregnancy
  • within twelve months of cancer treatments
  • during the use of photo-sensitizing medications
  • over recent steroid injections (seven days)
  • over growth plates or reproductive glands
  • over tattoos or skin infections
How does laser complement traditional chiropractic?2022-12-30T00:05:14-05:00

Laser therapy promotes energy production supporting cellular repair, increased blood flow, increased red blood cell oxygen-carrying capacity, and decrease of inflammation. When used in conjunction with traditional chiropractic, laser can reduce pain and healing time, and promote a deeper, more complete healing to the area of concern.

How long will laser take?2022-12-30T00:05:45-05:00

Sessions typically last 15 to 20 minutes, depending on the size of the treatment area. They generally start longer and reduce in length as you heal. Most acute conditions require only 10 – 12 treatment sessions. If you have a chronic condition, you may need 12 – 20 treatments and one or two follow-up sessions every month. The amount and frequency of treatments are determined through assessment of your condition combined with Dr. Chiungos’s experience treating patients with laser. You will likely start to feel better after your first 5 sessions.

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